
Theme of Zoom Meeting: Happy Memories

© 2020 by Richard E. Gordon •  rgordon118@tampabay.rr.com • Last updated: 5/21/22
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Several of the following questions contain links -- underlined words to click on  -- words that will take you to related information on the internet. I suggest you try answering each question before checking out a link. And then, if you would like to venture further, explore where the link leads you.

1.      Can you share with us in a few sentences a happy memory from your childhood? Your most recent happy memory?

2.     What, if anything, do all the shared happy memories have in common – besides, of course, being happy?

3.     Is there any value in frequently recalling your happiest memories?

4.     How can your senses help you re-live a happy memory?

5.     Can we rely on our happy memories reflecting what really happened? Can even vivid memories not be factually correct?

6.     How can we find college/university research (.edu domain) on happy memories?

7.     Using your imagination, do you think it is possible to create a happy memory? Assuming you could, what might be the value in creating an imagined happy memory?

8.     What might you do to make it easier for you to re-experience your happy memories?

9.     When you have a happy experience, how can you help make it a stronger memory?

10.  Can someone living in terrible circumstances still create happy memories? Have you ever heard of someone who managed to do just that?

11.  Assuming that this pandemic is one day behind us, do you have a happy memory born during this period of isolation and deprivation that you can share with us?

12.  How might you benefit from keeping a happy memory journal?

13.  Even during a pandemic, how can parents ensure that their children’s lives are filled with happy memories?

14.  If you could erase all your unhappy memories so that only happy ones remained, would you do so?  If one day, science comes up with a treatment that would blot out unhappy memories, would you take it? Second link.

15.  In our discussion today, is there anything new you learned about happy memories?

16.  Could our present zoom meetings become for you a happy memory even though held during a pandemic? Any suggestions for making these meetings a source of happier memories?


1.     The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don’t celebrate those, they can pass you by.” -- Alek Wek

2.     One of the best ways to make yourself happy in the present is to recall happy times from the past. Photos are a great memory-prompt, and because we tend to take photos of happy occasions, they weight our memories to the good.” -- Gretchen Rubin

3.     “You shouldn’t wait for other people to make special things happen. You have to create your own memories.” -- Heidi Klum

4.     Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss 

5.     A life-long blessing for children is to fill them with warm memories of times together. Happy memories become treasures in the heart to pull out on the tough days of adulthood.” Charlotte Kasl.

6.     I think the only answer is to live life to the fullest while you can and collect memories like fools collect money. Because in the end, that’s all you have – happy memories.” – Sarah Strohmeyer.

7.     “Don’t forget to remember me with gladness. The times we shared. The laughs we had. … Life goes on with or without us. Have no doubt. Be up and about. Remember me and live.”  From the poem Remember Me by Fern Lazar Gordon

8.     The greatest joys of life are happy memories. Your job is to create as many of them as possible.” – Brian Tracy

9.     It doesn't matter what you did in the past, you can't change it. The best you can do about your past is to be nostalgic with your family and loved ones about happy memories.” --Zoe McKey

10.  The only real treasure is in your head. Memories are better than diamonds and nobody can steal them from you.” -- Rodman Philbrick